
St Luke'sChurch of England Primary School

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UKS2 Science Cycle B Breakdown


Circulatory System

This project teaches children about the transport role of the human circulatory system, its main parts and their primary functions. They learn about healthy lifestyle choices and the effects of harmful substances on the body.



Electrical Circuits and Components

This project teaches children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices.



Light Theory

This project teaches children about the way that light behaves, travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections, rainbows and diffraction.


Evolution and Inheritance

This project teaches children about how living things on Earth have changed over time, and how fossils provide evidence for this. They learn how characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring, and how variation in offspring can affect their survival, with changes (adaptations) possibly leading to evolution.
