
St Luke'sChurch of England Primary School

KNOW - LOVE - SERVE God, Ourselves & Others

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Year 5 Spellings - to be tested Friday 6th September 2024 - ough words

Your child will be informed of their group when they return to school

Group A                         Group B

Enough                     rough

Bought                     cough

Thorough                  thought

Thought                     though


















Over summer, challenge yourself to learn more of the Y5/6 and Y3/4 spellings




Extra challenge. Can you still spell all of the words on the Y3/4 statutory word list?


Look in the remote learning page to find different ways to practise the spellings. 


Mathletics is set on a Thursday and to be completed before the following Thursday

Y5 Mathletics

Y6 Mathletics

WTTT - Monday 24th June 2024 - story ending

You can find more information and helpful resources by using the link below:
More information, help and detail on how or what the school assigns for homework can be found by using the link above.