Big Talk
What is a reptile?
‘Big Talk’ questions will be given each week. We are sure that you will recognise that talking together is one of the most important factors in developing children’s educational abilities. Children need to hear Standard English – we as adults need to be role models for this. It is a good idea to encourage your child to give you an oral account of what they have been doing both in and out of school, and explore together good vocabulary to enhance their account.
Encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in the Big Talk activity.
Make it an enjoyable activity
Switch off the television to try to ensure that this is dedicated talking and listening time.
Begin a conversation by modelling… “I think that… because …”
Ask other family members to give their ideas, opinions and reasons why.
To help develop your children’s skills, you may also use activities such as those below, asking your children to:
Listen carefully to follow a story or an account and answer questions about it.
Listen carefully and work with others to think up questions about the story.
Talk about their own experiences and those in stories.
Express preferences and likes and dislikes, giving explanations.
Actively participate in oral storytelling.
Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story. Retell stories in different ways e.g. role-play/ dressing- up/puppets.
This week we will be learning the sounds.......
The children will move in to phonics groups according to their ability this week and will be learning sounds that meet their needs.
Please still keep watching the videos below and log in to Oxford Owl for more appropriate texts for the children to read.
Some suggested activities to help support your child:
Useful websites
Here is a list of useful links that can be used by your children every day: