
St Luke'sChurch of England Primary School

KNOW - LOVE - SERVE God, Ourselves & Others

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Write To The Top!


Children should ideally be reading daily at home for a minimum of 15 minutes. Please can parents indicate in the jotters when the child has read.



Spellings - Week beginning: w/b Monday 24th June (to be tested on Monday 1st July)


Mr McGeachy & Mrs Hunt/Mr Baker's Spelling Groups

Spelling Rule: homophones

Spelling List: heel/heal/he'll, plain/plane, groan/grown, rain/rein/reign


Mrs Oxley's Spelling Group

Spelling Rule: words ending in ous

Spelling List: courageous, mountainous, furious, cautious



Mathletics (these activities are consolidation of the maths learnt this week)


Times Table Rockstars

Try to do two garage sessions. 

Practice the ones you found tricky. 

Did you improve any questions on the second 'garage'?











