
St Luke'sChurch of England Primary School

KNOW - LOVE - SERVE God, Ourselves & Others

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Key Stage 1 (Year 2)

Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined

What does this tell us?

The impact of covid was most apparent in the outcomes of our youngest children dropping by 10.7% in 2022. This drop in the expected standard for Reading, Writing and Maths was also evident Nationally (10.5%). The main driver for this poor performance was the children’s writing outcomes which fell to 54.5% with our percentage of children at the higher standard also below National. The introduction of Talk for Writing (TfW), in English lessons, and RWI, for phonics, this year included a significant investment in staff training and focused on the basics of the teaching of English increasing oracy opportunities and developing quality over quantity. Writing outcomes were moderated in June 2023 with all teacher assessments agreed by Essex’s Lead Moderator, Jackie Castle, and the staff praised for the quality of the evidence provided to support the teachers’ judgments.


In Mathematics there is work to be done as the school is outside of the top 50% of school for the percentage of children achieving the expected standard. Gaps in the children’s learning have been identified as:

  • Geometry – Position and Direction
  • Geometry – Properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes
  • Statistics - Asking and answering questions about totalling and comparing categorical data








