
St Luke'sChurch of England Primary School

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Grouping and Classifying

This project teaches children about grouping living things, known as classification. They study the animal and plant kingdoms and use and create classification keys to identify living things.

Innovate challenge

Let's investigate focus: Reporting and concluding


Types of classification; Taxonomy; Understanding and creating classification keys; Animal kingdom; Plant kingdom; Classifying new discoveries; Working scientifically – Identifying and classifying, Pattern seeking, Research

Variation and Classification (Essential Life Science) Waterstones AmazonMelanie Waldron9781406262421
Classification (Foxton Primary Science) Waterstones AmazonNichola Tyrrell9781839250118
Classification and Evolution (Straight Forward with Science) Waterstones AmazonPeter Riley9781445135083
Animals: Facts at your fingertips (DK Pocket Eyewitness) Waterstones AmazonDK9780241343593
Animal Discoveries (Marvellous Discoveries) Waterstones AmazonTamra B Orr9781474759724
Trees, Leaves, Flowers & Seeds: Our World in Pictures Waterstones AmazonDK9780241339923